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fredag 21 maj 2010

peter schiff wrote

May 20, 2010
America Is On The Verge Of An Economic Catastrophe
America is on the verge of an economic catastrophe.

I don't need to remind you of the frightening economic data Washington doesn't want you to know -- the nearly $13 trillion debt, 90% debt to GDP ratio (that does not even include the off-budget items, such as the $6 trillion owed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or the $50 trillion of unfunded liabilities for programs like Social Security and Medicare)... And I certainly don't need to reiterate the urgency of this situation. You know how severe the ramifications will be if we fail to take immediate action.


Peter Schiff`s comments on the economy, stock markets, politics and gold. Schiff is the renowned writer of the bestseller Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.

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